
Student Business Projects Area to Provide a Better Future at GHEDEX 2022

STEM education is the way of teaching students in four specific areas which are: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. Instead of teaching these four areas separately, STEM integrates them into a single program to solve real-world problems and prepare young students for their future careers. This way of teaching encourages pupils to think outside of the box to solve complex world problems by creating solutions.

As investing in early STEM education and future skills is crucial for the development of future leaders and innovators in the field, GHEDEX2022 will provide a platform for students from all schools and universities in Oman (international, government and private) to showcase their business projects on May 27-29, 2022 at the Oman Convention and Exhibition Center. 

The platform will give students the opportunity to apply their academic and practical knowledge to real life situations. It will also help young students to be aware of their potential to develop future skills, capabilities, and knowledge to think outside of the box, which consequently will lead to contribute to Oman Vision 2040 and boost the economy as well. 



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